dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017


When Sant Jordi gets closer we all talk about love and write love poems. However, there are also stories about broken heasrts. Here you have some of these stories.

Pilar Escriche
Professora d’Anglès


I used to love her/him. Now she/he’s just someone I used to know. A few weeks ago I was infatuated with her/him, and now everyone thinks I’m a jerk because I broke up whit her/him. I thought our relationship was working just fine, but then I found out that she was planning on dumping me.

I waited for some weeks for her/him to break up with me after my friend had told me that she/he would do so. As she/he wasn’t doing anything I decided to pull myself together and dump her/him because I couldn’t handle that kind of relationship anymore.

I used to love her/him. All this was her/him fault. She/he wasn’t sincere.

Elisenda Nadal i Lluís Montcada
Alumnes de 4t d’ESO