Going to college means a big change in a person's
life. A new college student will probably change his friends, his environment,
sometimes he may change his city or home... Consequently, there are those who
believe that going to college is to start again, it’s to live a new life with a
completely different lifestyle.
The life of a university student is very different
from the one of a high school student. University is not just the beginning of
a degree; it means a change in our intellectual maturity. It requires more
responsibilities, more time, more concentration... Many students have to leave home, change
their city, start working ... Therefore, it means that they begin to live like
real adults. So we can say that these changes are positive and advantageous for
their future. Furthermore, they start to live new experiences, they acquire new
knowledge, they make friends and meet new people, and they have more
However, this new life involves leaving the old. That
is, often loses contact with friends of a lifetime, has a rift with family
members, feels alone or isolated ... And this can increase our sadness or
concern. Moreover, in certain universities, you have more stress, more work,
less free time...
It's true that the future is uncertain for everyone,
maybe some people will start this "new life" and they will be happy
and others will be scared and feel sad. But, what's clear is that despite the
changes, what’s really important is the fact that this will be a completely
different experience in life.
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