(3ESO C)

is a country, situated between Russia and the European Union. The
inhabitants of Ukraine are divided between pro-EU and pro-Russia.
Crimea is now part of Ukraine, and it’s a military base. Russia
wants to have it back in its territory because it’s the only
military base that connects with the Mediterranean Sea and the Black
has now sent unidentified troops to Crimea, and a referendum has
revealed that nearly all the people from Crimea want to associate
with Russia. The ex-president Victor Ianukóvich wanted to join
Russia, and when he announced it the pro-EU people started a
revolution. Now, he’s escaped to Russia and he’s hiding there.
EU is neutral about this conflict, but Poland wants Ukraine to join
it because these two countries have always been attached. Russia
wants to gain territory, and evidences say that maybe this will
develop in the Third World War. Now, people from all the world are
expecting the next step of any of the two countries.