divendres, 30 de maig del 2014


Mercat de les cooperatives 
dels instituts de les comarques gironines

AVUI, dia: 30  maig
Lloc: Santa Clara (a tocar del Pont Major)



El dia 14 de maig, els grups de segon C, D i E vàrem anar d'excursió a Barcelona per visitar el Palau reial (ara un museu) i l'església de Santa Maria del Mar.
Al museu ens van obligar a deixar les nostres pertinences en una espècie d'armariets enormes, però ens van dir que si portàvem alguna cosa per escriure (com un bolígraf, uns fulls i algun suport) ho podíem agafar. L'Anna, la guia, ens va explicar la història bàsica de la Península Ibèrica des de la caiguda de l'Imperi romà fins a finals del sXIV, res de nou, però igualment va ser un plaer rememoritzar. Quan tot va estar aclarit, vam entrar al palau. Ens va ensenyar maquetes sobre la ciutat de Barcelona, el saló del Tinell, curiositats sobre aquella època, etc. No vam poder entrar a la Capella de Santa Àgatha (però des de fora ja es veia que era preciosa). En definitiva, el palau era magnífic!
Llavors ja vam anar cap a l'església de Santa Maria del Mar, això si, fent parades per escoltar anècdotes sobre les places, els gremis, els carrers... Quan hi vam arribar estàvem morts de gana, però ens va compensar la majestuositat de l'edifici. La guia ens va explicar que la va construir, en només cinquanta anys, la gent que vivia a Vilanova del Mar (un barri als afores de la muralla). A l'entrada hi havia unes escultures (els bastaixos) com a poms, i a terra els noms de la gent que hi va contribuir. Només entrant-hi, ja es veu que l'església és espectacular pels vitralls, la sensació d'amplitud... Llàstima que l'Anna només ens en pogués fer una petita explicació de quinze minuts. Havent acabat vam tornar al museu per agafar les nostres pertinences i llavors vam tenir una horeta per visitar Barcelona. Vam quedar a la plaça del Blat per pujar a l'autobús i de tornada vam estar cantant cançons, fent-nos fotos, parlant de l'excursió...
En general, la sortida va ser genial, vam aprendre un munt de coses i ens ho vàrem passar molt bé!



El dimecres 28 de maig, tots els alumnes de 3r vam fer una sortida a l’eixample de Barcelona organitzada pel departament de Socials. Ens vam reunir a l’estació d’autobusos a les 8h del matí, i amb nosaltres van venir uns quants alumnes de 2n. Els professors que ens van acompanyar van ser Núria Artacho, Dani Bartomeu, Joan Blanco, Paquita Bonany, Mònica Bosch i Joan Guerola. Tan aviat com vam arribar vam anar a esmorzar als jardins de la Torre de les Aigües mentre esperàvem dos guies que ens van explicar què veuríem i què va passar a Barcelona fa anys. Cap a les 11 ens vam posar en marxa per veure alguns edificis antics com ara la Casa Batlló i a la Casa Ametller. A dos quarts d’una vam agafar l’autobús per passar a buscar els alumnes de 2n i vam anar a dinar al Maremagnum. Allà els professors ens van deixar temps lliure, però abans ens van posar un punt de trobada i una hora perquè així ningú es perdés o es despistés. A dos quarts quarts de quatre vam tornar a Girona.


dimarts, 27 de maig del 2014


La tutora de l'aula d'acollida de l'institut Jaume Vicens Vives, Antònia Vilaplana, va rebre el premi Linguapax, atorgat per la UNESCO, en reconeixement pel seu treball JVV solidari i les parelles lingüístiques.

Diari de Girona, dimarts 27 de maig de 2014



La Nines Agüero, infermera del CAP, va venir a la classe de 3r D a fer una xerrada sobre el sexe a l'hora de tutoria. Primer ens va fer preguntes, ens va explicar moltes coses, ens va aclarir tots els dubtes i finalment ens va recomanar dos llibres: El diari vermell de la Carlota i El diari vermell de Flanagan. Totes dues lectures s'assemblen molt: els dos nois, la Carlota i en Flanagan, es troben, es coneixen i cadascú escriu el seu diari des del seu punt de vista.

Mai us heu preguntat què és el sexe? Què vol dir? Saber sobre el sexe vol dir descobrir el nostre cos i el cos de la nostra parella, entre d'altres coses. La Nines ens va explicar els mètodes anticonceptius més utilitzats, però va recomanar que, per prevenir malalties com per exemple la sida, és molt millor usar preservatiu. També va parlar del risc d'embaràs i com evitar tenir una sorpresa en aquest sentit.


dilluns, 26 de maig del 2014


Dimarts 13 de maig a l'hora de tutoria els alumnes de 3ESO D vam assistir a una xerrada sobre reanimació que es va fer al gimnàs de l’institut.

Mai us heu preguntat què faríeu si un familiar o un amic vostre patís un atac de cor o alguna cosa semblant mentre aneu caminant pel carrer? Doncs ara us expliquem algunes tècniques que ens van ensenyar a nosaltres.

Primer de tot, heu de mirar d’estar en un lloc on no passin cotxes: en una plaça, en una vorera.... Després heu de veure si la persona està conscient o inconscient (escolteu si respira). A continuació cal demanar ajuda a algú que passi per allà i també trucar a Emergències perquè vingui una ambulància. Mentre esperem, hem de pressionar amb tot el nostre cos (no només amb els braços) el pit d’aquesta persona 30 vegades al ritme de la cançó"Macarena"; no ho hem de fer ni massa fort ni massa fluix.Llavors hem de fer-li el boca a boca. Hem d'agafar el nas per dalt, tirar-li el cap enrere i fer el boca a boca (posar aire dins seu) només 2 cops! i després hem de tornar a pressionar-li el pit 30 vegades més.

Si tot això no funciona, hem d’agafar un desfibril·lador (ara els trobem sovint al carrer). Quan l'agafem sentirem que emet un so (aquest so avisa a l’hospital més proper que algú està utilitzant aquell desfibril·lador i que es necessita una ambulància). El posarem a terra, l'obrirem i seguirem les instruccions que ens marqui. Quan el desfibril·lador estigui preparat per fer la descàrrega al pit, començarà a parlar per informar-nos que ens hem d’allunyar de la persona inconscient. En el moment en què l’aparell nota que no cal fer més descàrregues deixarà de fer-ne. Llavors només caldrà esperar l’ambulància.




Una setmana d’intercanvi amb alumnes de l’Institut Emile Zola de Rennes

El dia 17 de març ens vam reunir tots els alumnes de 1r de Batxillerat que ens havíem apuntat a l’intercanvi. Vam quedar a les 7.15 a l’estació d’autobusos per anar a Barcelona, amb una mica de son i molta il·lusió. Vam haver d’esperar una hora per agafar l’avió en direcció a Nantes. A Nantes vam agafar un autobús que ens portava a Rennes. Al cap d’hora i mitja hi arribàvem.
Al primer lloc que vam anar va ser al Lycée Emile Zola, on estudiaven els nois i noies francesos que feien l’intercanvi. Dos d’aquests alumnes ens van portar per tot l’institut; les seves instal·lacions eren grans, però una mica antigues. Com a benvinguda ens van preparar un pica-pica. La resta de la tarda vam anar a un parc i més tard ens van portar amb les respectives famílies.
El dia 18 vam reunir a les 9.00 tots els alumnes catalans per anar a Dinan, on vam anar a la basílica de Saint-Sauveur i la guia que ens va acompanyar ens va preparar una gimcana pel poble. Després vam anar a Saint Maló per caminar per la muralla i veure les precioses vistes del mar.
El dia 19, com el dia anterior, vam quedar a les 9.00 per anar a visitar el museu de la Bretanya, “Les Champs-Libres”, amb un guia que ens va parlar sobre el patrimoni cultural bretó. Després ens van deixar temps lliure per visitar Rennes. A la tarda vam estar tots junts fent volts per Rennes.
El dia 20 vam quedar a les 9.00 a l’institut per agafar el metro i anar a un taller de danses cèltiques al Cercle Celtique de Rennes, a la granja de La Harpe. Després vam anar a dinar i vam quedar a l’institut a les 14.00 per fer un taller de descoberta del patrimoni monumental de Rennes. Vam tornar a l’institut a les 1.:00 amb els francesos que feien l’intercanvi.
El 21, com sempre, vam quedar a les 9.00 per anar al Mont Saint Michel, declarat monument històric patrimoni de la humanitat. Quan hi vam arribar vam entrar a la petita fortalesa i dins l’església. Després ens vam posar les botes d’aigua i vam anar amb un guia a fer la volta al Mont Saint Michel per dintre la badia. Aquella nit vam anar a una discoteca que es deia UBU.
El dia 22 i el dia 23 tothom estava amb el seu francès o francesa i la seva família. El 22 vam anar per separat, però el 23, i com acomiadament, vam anar a jugar a la bolera.
El 24 vam quedar a les 9.00 a l’institut per tornar cap a casa. Vam anar a Nantes on vam agafar l’avió, i un cop a Barcelona vam tornar a Girona.

Personalment, per mi va ser una gran experiència, ja que mai havia fet cap viatge semblant. També em va servir per poder parlar el francès, que és una gran llengua, i per fer nous amics. El que més em va sorprendre dels habitants de Rennes va ser que quasi tots fumaven, cosa que aquí no és tan habitual. El que més m’ha agradat d’aquest viatge ha estat el Mont Saint Michel, ja que és una petita fortalesa envoltada d’aigua i on la marea pot ser molt alta o molt baixa.

dijous, 22 de maig del 2014


Paula Aguado i Georgina Torrado (2Bat)
Gràcies a les pràctiques realitzades dins l’assignatura Estada a l'Empresa, les alumnes de 2n C de Batxillerat Paula Aguado i Georgina Torrado elaboren un programa mensual a Televisió de Girona. El programa s'anomena K n'opines.

Podeu veure les emissions de desembre i gener a http://tvgirona.xiptv.cat/k-nopines


Mireu qui ens vam trobar a Figueres el dia de Santa Creu! Era en Ramon Carreras, de consergeria. Sí, a més de conserge és també mestre, pintor i escultor! Li vam demanar que ens fes cinc cèntims sobre la seva obra, i això és el que ens va explicar:

L'estil de pintura que faig el defineixo com simbolisme. Totes les pintures tenen per a mi un significat molt concret però el que faig és simplificar molt la representació de la idea fins que aquesta queda gairebé desdibuixada. En tot cas jo no explico mai el que volen dir els meus quadres.També faig alguns quadres de paisatges inventats i normalment pintats amb espàtula.

Pel que fa a l'escultura, les obres que faig en pedra són de tipus conceptual. Cada una té el seu sentit però es prioritza la forma i la composició. El material que utilitzo és molt divers i generalment treballo amb pedres que he recollit en diferents llocs. També he fet algunes peces en bronze de caràcter figuratiu.

Per saber-ne més, heu d'escriure a la barra del buscador ramoncarreras.com


Les alumnes Wanting Li i Linmin Qiu de 3r D i Betsabé Lemus de 2n E formaven part dels 44 alumnes que han participat en la sisena edició del Projecte Rossinyol a Girona i que el passat 16 de maig van fer la festa de cloenda al centre cultural la Mercè. La meitat d'aquests alumnes eren de la Universitat i la resta eren estudiants d'educació primària i de secundària. Va ser un acte molt emotiu perquè es va projectar un vídeo on mentors i mentorats explicaven la seva experiència durant aquests sis mesos que han compartit vivències, han conegut noves cultures, han passejat pels carrers de la ciutat i han après a comunicar-se millor en català. A més, han participat en les diverses activitats organitzades als barris. Després van compartir plegats un berenar fet per ells mateixos en el qual van poder degustar algunes menges exòtiques.

L'alcalde de Girona, la regidora d'ensenyament de l'Ajuntament i un representat de la Universitat de Girona també van fer uns parlaments ben lluïts per encoratjar-los a tots i felicitar-los com a nous ciutadans de Girona que són.

El Projecte Rossinyol, promogut per la Universitat de Girona amb la col·laboració de l'Ajuntament, és una iniciativa de mentoria que té com a finalitat afavorir la inclusió i la integració social dels alumnes nouvinguts a través de potenciar el coneixement de la llengua i la ciutat. El projecte s'ha desenvolupat a quatre zones de la ciutat: Pont Major (escola Carme Auguet), Sant Narcís i Santa Eugènia (escoles Dalmau Carles, Santa Eugènia, Mare de Déu del Mont, Bell-lloc i l'institut de Santa Eugènia) , el Barri Vell (institut Vicens Vives) i al barri de Palau (institut de Montilivi).

dimarts, 20 de maig del 2014


Els alumnes Sergi Pérez (4ESO B), Guillem Plazas (3ESO A) i Berta Muñoz (4ESO A) han quedat 1r, 2n i 3a respectivament en el Concurs de Seguretat Vial Pere Jordà organitzat des de la Delegació Episcopal de Trànsit del Bisbat de Girona. 

El proper 6 de juliol de 2014, Dia Mundial del trànsit, es farà el lliurament de premis, que consisteixen en la part teòrica del carnet de conduir, regal de l'autoescola FPC. La resta de participants del nostre institut rebran un regal de part dels diferents patrocinadors del concurs.

Text: Ma MERCÈ MOLA (Professora de Religió i col·laboradora de la Del. Ep. de Trànsit del Bisbat de Girona)


Al llarg de les darreres setmanes hem estat treballant a l'assignatura d'Emprenedoria el Projecte Kit Caixa Joves emprenedors.

Hem identificat problemes la solució dels quals es pot convertir en oportunitat d'emprendre i de fer negoci. En conseqüència hem creat uns plans de negoci així com també uns prototips de productes que creiem que poden ser interessants. Penseu que els prototips no només s'han creat sobre el paper sinó que també els hem creat  “físicament”. En aquest sentit tenim:

- Els Mitjons Protectors. Mitjons per anar per casa sense sabates, amb una protecció addicional que evita el donar-te un cop amb mobles o objectes. A més, els dissenys són d'allò més divertits: cocodrils, lladres, missatges divertits, equips de futbol, política...

- “Motiva't per estudiar”. Joc per a PC on de forma divertida es combinen proves lúdiques amb proves acadèmiques.

- Sistema d'identificació de petjada digital. Apte per a accedir a alguns espais de l'institut. Tenim tant l'aparell, com la placa base i les connexions. En breu, integrarem els elements. 

- Estalvi de llum a les aules. Amb un sistema senzill proveït amb un sensor de llum es pot estalviar una quantitat important de llum.

Penseu que els pares ens estan ajudant molt, ja que han col·laborat amb els seus coneixements i els seus fills a tirar endavant aquest prototips. Aviat en farem una presentació. 

Text: TONI COSGAYA (Professor d'Emprenedoria)

dilluns, 19 de maig del 2014


El passat dia 17 de maig dos alumnes del nostre centre, Sergi Esturi (1ESO) i Karyna Goncharenko (2ESO), van participar a la fase final catalana del Fem Mates a Reus. Al matí van fer la prova individual i a la tarda una prova en grup amb alumnes d'altres instituts pel centre de la ciutat.
Va ser una jornada plena de problemes matemàtics i també de companyonia i noves amistats.
En Sergi Esturi Viñals  va aconseguir el primer lloc en la categoria de 1r d'ESO, i volem que rebi la nostra més cordial felicitació.

divendres, 16 de maig del 2014


El dia 15 de maig els alumnes de 2n d’'ESO vam visitar l'Arxiu Històric de Girona, creat a l'any 1952 i situat al centre del barri antic. Vam aprendre que els arxius històrics són uns centres en els quals es conserva la informació que es recopila al llarg del temps. Allà hi vam poder observar diferents documents i arxius històrics. Ens van explicar que abans d'exposar-los els reparen, ja que moltes vegades estan fets malbé. Normalment aquests documents són aportats per persones que els han trobat entre els documents que conserven a casa seva. Moltes vegades pactaven amb l'arxiu històric per tal que es poguessin exposar. Tot i això l'arxiu només emmagatzema documents que com a mínim tenen un segle d'antiguitat. El pergamí més antic data de 1009 i fou trobat a l'hospital de Santa Caterina quan va passar a formar part de la Generalitat. Els pergamins solien parlar de pertinences i, per tant, els havia escrit un notari. En aquella època estaven fets de pell d'animal i escrits en llatí. La lletra que usaven era moltes vegades gòtica i escrita amb ploma o canya. La tinta era una mescla líquida de pigments minerals.
Després d’observar detingudament les diferències que trobàvem en els diferents escrits que conservaven, vam veure un audiovisual en el qual ens explicaven tot el que necessitàvem per omplir un qüestionari. Més tard vam anar a observar els 1000m² on hi havien tots aquests documents.
Va ser una visita agradable que va ajudar-nos a saber més sobre les comarques gironines i els costums des del segle XI.

Fotografies: JOAN CARLES CORTÉS (Professor de Socials)


dijous, 15 de maig del 2014


Els alumnes de l'aula d'acollida del Vives van fer un muntatge a Temps de Flors als jardins dels Serveis Educatius del Gironès. Les diferents aules del Vicens Vives, Santa Eugènia, Santiago Sobrequés, Narcís Xifra, Carles Rahola, Montilivi i Bell-lloc van treballar per poder escenificar els planetes que visita el Petit Príncep, l'obra d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry que enguany celebra el 70è aniversari de la seva publicació.

El dia de la inauguració, a més de tots els alumnes de les aules d'acollida de Girona, els seus tutors, personal del Servei LIC, directors i representants dels centres, va assistir-hi Albert Bayot, director dels Serveis Territorials d'Ensenyament a Girona, que va fer un parlament molt entranyable i lligat amb la seva experiència docent.

L'experiència ha estat molt interessant per a aquests alumnes perquè els ha fet reflexionar sobre un fet molt important de les seves vides: el viatge que van començar quan van marxar dels seus països i que d'alguna manera continuen aquí, a Girona, creant lligams en un espai nou i en una cultura nova.
Text: ANTÒNIA VILAPLANA (Tutora aula d'acollida)


La Cantata per la Pau que va tenir lloc al Teatre de Girona el mes de gener i en la qual van participar els nostres alumnes serà retransmesa per TV Girona:

DISSABTE 17 de maig a les 22h
DIUMENGE 18 de maig a les 23h
DILLUNS 19 de maig a les 10h

dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014



Em dic Laia Perich, tinc 12 anys i faig doma clàssica. 
Vaig començar als 4 o 5 anys en una hípica prop de Parlavà, però allà no es dedicaven gaire a aquesta disciplina i vaig canviar d'hípica, vaig anar al CAVA, que és on entreno des de fa 4 anys.
Ara faig molts concursos importants com el d'Espanya o el de Catalunya. Al de Catalunya hi competeixo des que tenia 9 anys però no ha estat fins fa 2 anys que he començat a guanyar. Aquest any, al campionat de ponis de Catalunya, he aconseguit la medalla d'or individualment. Al d'Espanya ja hi he anat 2 anys, el primer any vaig quedar sisena i enguany quarta, i medalla d'or per equips amb la millor nota.


El 2012 va ser l'últim any que vaig passar a l'institut. Va ser un any en què estava contenta i trista a la vegada, contenta perquè per fi podia decidir de fer el que m'agradava i trista per haver de deixar companys. Companys, un diferent de l’altre, cada persona amb gustos i caràcters diferents, però tots bones persones. La veritat, estic molt contenta d'haver passat per l'institut Jaume Vicens Vives perquè m'ha donat l'oportunitat de conèixer gent increïble i meravellosa. Estic molt agraïda al professorat pels coneixements i aprenentatges que m'han ofert, i per haver-me enriquit com a persona.
Penso que és un privilegi ser a l'institut, però no t’adones dels moments màgics que vius fins que te n’has anat. Ha passat més d’un any, i de vegades penso tant de bo hagués aprofitat més; i et vénen records màgics amb companys de classe a qui no oblidaràs mai.
Ja fa un any que sóc fora i he començat una nova etapa en un altre centre anomenat INS Vallvera. Vaig decidir fer el Cicle d'Atenció a les persones en Situació de Dependència perquè sabia que en aquest camp es necessitava molta ajuda: es tracta d’un col·lectiu de persones amb moltes dificultats. Estic molt contenta de l’elecció que he fet ja que m'agrada i em satisfà el fet d’ajudar la gent que veritablement ho necessita.
S'estudien assignatures com ara Organització de l'atenció a les persones en situació de dependència (organitzar i intervenir en les atencions als diferents col·lectius), Atenció sanitària (fer mobilització i activitats d'assistència sanitària), Atenció higiènica (higiene dels materials, de l'entorn i de la persona dependent), Característiques i necessitats de les persones en situació de dependència (saber les necessitats i com és cada col·lectiu), Destreses socials (les habilitats socials que hem de tenir com a professionals) Empresa i iniciativa emprenedora (projecte d’un any de durada que es lliura a final de curs).  


El diumenge 11 de maig el nostre centre va participar a la 18a edició de la cursa popular Ciutat de Girona organitzada per l'Ajuntament en col·laboració amb el Centre Hipercor. El nostre institut va quedar classificat en segon lloc i va guanyar el trofeu dels centres escolars de secundaria amb més participació d'alumnat.

També felicitem la Júlia Ibañez (1ESO B) i l'Anna Coll (2BAT B) per quedar segona i tercera classificades de les seves categories G1 i G3.

 Text: LURDES JULIOL (Professora d'Educació Física) 

dijous, 8 de maig del 2014


Sota l’eslògan “fem de neolítics” vam realitzar aquest mes de maig un parell de sortides amb els nostres alumnes de 1r curs de l’ESO, la primera capitanejada per l’Àngels Vallverdú i les seves fidels acompanyants Núria Feliu i Marta Salavedra el dia 6 i la segona, el dia 21 amb aquesta humil “redactora”i d’altres amables profes, la Lurdes Juliol i la Marta Orts. La veritat és que l’organització ARQUEOLÍTIC que s’encarrega no tan sols de la tasca de les pròpies excavacions, inexistents fa un parell de dècades, sinó també de les explicacions al visitants, va facilitar molt la nostra activitat, tant per l’oferta de jornades com per la puntual rebuda a l’hora i al lloc de trobada al Parc de la Draga.
En aquest parc, proper al llac de Banyoles, van trobar restes arqueològiques fins llavors desconegudes a la zona amb motiu dels treballs per a la preparació d’una de les seus olímpiques Barcelona 1992. A partir d’aquell moment comença la recerca que mostrava l’evidència d’un assentament neolític i aportava objectes que el medi lacustre havia preservat per sobre del que seria raonable pensar.
Moltes còpies d’aquests útils van mostrar-se als nostres alumnes amb entenedores explicacions sobre els materials, la utilitat etc. Al final, fins i tot, els nostres nois van poder “preparar“ una mena de rascador amb fusta, pedra i corda que potser han guardat com a record a casa.
També se’ns van mostrar reconstruccions de cabanes fetes amb els materials originals i se’ns va parlar àmpliament sobre les necessitats i els modes de vida dels homes banyolins de fa 7000 anys.
En general, tot va resultar bé i encara que el temps d’aquest primaveral mes de maig no va acompanyar gaire, esperem que els nostres més joves estudiants guardin un grat record d’aquesta excursió.

 Text: ISABEL SALVO (Professora de Socials) 


Fashion in Bamberg 

There isn't much fashion in Bamberg though... But as we walked in the streets we could see very different outfits. I noticed, for example, that there were more people than in Spain that wore punk, gothic and similar type of clothes. Another fact that surprised me was that many girls changed their hair natural colour into a darker one because they were blonde and in Spain it happens exactly the other way round. This was because in Germany the normal hair colour is blonde and here it's brown.
Although there were few shops in Bamberg, only the normal ones such as H&M and Pimkie, we had the opportunity to go shopping in Nürnberg because we had two hours for free time. 
Moreover, some of us went to Lea's house on Thursday after the BBQ party to see the new episode of the most famous fashion show in Germany which is: "Germany's next top model". This TV show consists of trying to find the best German model by eliminating the other ones and it is presented by Heidi Klum, who is one of the most popular models in the whole world because she worked for Victoria's Secret. 

Andrea Franch

Food and drinks

When I go to another country, one of the things I like most is to taste their food, because it can change a lot from one place to another. So, I'd like to eat typical German food.
The first day I have had dinner with my host family, but the meal wasn't German at all. However, the other days it was. So, as I could taste a lots of different courses, I will present you some of them:

Spätzle with Rindfleisch

One day, my German partner's mother cooked "Spätzle with Rindfleisch". At the first sight, I thought that it was pasta with meat, but actually, Spätzle looks like pasta, but it isn't.  It's very common in the southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Alsace and South Tyrol. 
As I liked it, her mother explained me how to prepare it. 
You need some eggs, flour, salt and water. You mix them and you scrap long, thin strips of that dough with a "hopper", the utensil used to make this course. 
And the Rindfleisch it's a kind of roas beef, usually served with much meat sauce. 


And of course, I ate lots of bratwurst! You can't go to Germany without tasteing any bratwurst. If you pretend to do something like this, better don't go. Actually, I didn't eat just one bratwurst, and I can swear you that wherever you eat them, they taste really good. 
Also, when we went to Nürnberger, we ate the Nürnberger Rostbratwurst, which usually are served in threes and they are the typical of that city. 

Moreover, the German partners prepared us a barbaque in a park, where we cooked some bratwurst and other kind of sausages and marinated chicken.

On sunday, I went to a restaurant with my host family, and, as it was quite difficult to understand the menu, I let them to choose one course for me. They ordered "Schäuferla", which is a traditional dish from South of Germany and it is made from the pig's shoulder meat. In Franconia it is usually seasoned with salt, pepper and caraway and rosted in the oven for about two or three hours. Mine had the pork rind very crispy and the meat was easy to separate from the bone. 
Usually, the meat is served with various side dishes like: 


This side dish consist of fermented cabbage. Besides Germany, you can also find this dish in Poland, Russia and in Alsace. 

Klöß One of the most common side dishes I think that are " klöß" which are a kind of balls made of potatoes, and I noticed that usually were served with meat. 
They look like "bombas", an Spanish "tapa", but they don't have meat inside. 

On the other hand, food comes with drinks, and in Germany, the beer it's the most popular drink. 
I was surprised to see that there are a lots of breweries in Bamberg, and in consequense, lots of different beers. For example, the family explained me that one of the most famous beers in the town was  the "Rauchbier", which is a smoked beer. 
But, about the drinks, the most surprising thing weren't the beers, because I knew their popularity before coming. What surprised me most was that they drink everything with gas. When they order "water", they mean sparkling water. If you just want water, you must say that you would like it without gas. However, they usually prefer Coke, Fanta or them mixed. 
The most surprising thing about this fact, was that they put gas in the fruit juices and even in tea! The German partners were stranged to see us ordering still water. 

Cristina Saubi

Girona's presentation

On Tuesday we presented our city, school and country to the German students from the exchange. You can see the video in the following link: 

My personal diary

Day 1 - Monday 17th March 2014

The first day everybody had their first impressions of their family. Let's see some of them!

Marc Palmada: We have arrived in Nuremberg and it is not as cold as I expected. We have arrived at Bamberg by bus. It has been amazing to meet Manuel in person, he is a cool and a nice person. I have met his father and his mother, they are so friendly. Then they drove us to Manuel´s home. It is big, beautiful and it seems comfortable and cosy. It is. I'm installed in my room, looks set to be a very good experience full of special memories. Later Manuel showed to me his League of Legends account, he is a pro player! At that time he introduced me his old sister, Christina. At dinner I have eaten a soup of noodles, with a typical German meat and with a lot of brot, and a second dish, lasagne and salad (most of lettuce). After Manuel and me watched a film. We all left full and ready for bed - getting up at 6 am to go school is a ponderous way to start a vacation!

Júlia Canals: After a long trip, we arrived in Bamberg, in a square where all the Germans were waiting for us. I met my partner, Franca, and her mother in person, and we went to her house. I had a shower, and at 6 p.m., we had dinner. It impressed me the schedule they have, and also the fact that both parents knew English, cause I think it rarely happens in Spain.

Mariona Colomer: I got up at 6:00 and I went to the airport. The plane was leaving at 12:05 and we arrived at Nurenberg at 14:00. I was very nervous and looking forward for meeting my family. When we arrived at home, we had a wonderful dinner! I ate Raclette. My partner was very friendly and lovely, she treated me really well and was always explaining me things.
I brought them some presents which they loved a lot! For the mother, I gifted her a turquoise kerchief and a ring which she said that it matched with her blue eyes! I also gave them a calendar with photos of Barcelona and a book about Catalonia in German. They really loved them!

Day 2 - Tuesday 18th March 2014
Today I woke up at the same hour as usual when I go to school: al 6:30 AM. This was not a very good piece of news, specially if I want to rest, but I have to get accostumated to their schedule and daily life. I tried to follow my and their routine, I had breakfast and we left home. To arrive to the highschool we took the bus, and another thing suprised me. The driver opened the doors, a lot of people got in, but anyone didn’t pay for the ticket. I asked my partner for this, and she said that this is normal, but if a revisor comes, they will have to pay a bill. Well, I paid just in case, but it was strange because here in Spain, we must pay to get in the bus. There seems it is not necessary. Well, little constasts.
When we arrived to the Gymnasium, I took part of the first two lessons: English and German. At the English lesson I got surprised on how is the dynamic of the class. The teacher brings a text, someone has to prepair some exercices and to make an exposition in front of the class, and then they work on that text. The topic of the article was not very important, but I did surprise because they work in a very simillar way as we do in the IB. Then, when the German lesson started, I didn’t understand any word of their expositions about Shakespeare, but I had a very good impression of their teacher. I did not understand anything but I liked the naturality, the entonation and how their teacher was able to speak. Today I realised how important is the non-verbal comunication with this example.
Some people didn't have this problem, for example Pol Muñoz who said "As I understand both languages pretty well, I had no problem with following the class but I don't think that this can be applied to the others, as only Carme speaks German".
Then, we met all together to listen to the head-master’s speech (very strange speech because of the football’s references, he tried to act like he wanted to become our friend) and saw both videos of the highschools. Well, going to the point, we left and went with a teacher to visit Bamberg. I liked to city, it is very similar to Girona, but I felt that it was a lack of explanations when we arrived to somewhere. I hope this was just a punctual thing. A part from this, I liked much the visit of St. Michel’s, of the Cathedral, of everything.
In the afternoon we went to a dancing class and to the gym. The two activities went very fine, I had lots of fun after a very nice day.
Some people, went to Vicent's house and there they watched Finding Nemo. They also played a drinking game which they called Drinking Nemo. Everytime that someone said "Nemo" on screen, we had to drink a little bit (they bought beers, but you could drink other things such as Fanta or water). At some points the characters said Nemo like 6 or 7 times in a row! Then we also played "Jo mai mai" and talked all together.

Bamberg's cathedral.
Watching Finding Nemo.

Luca Panescu and Pol Muñoz

Day 3 - Wednesday 19th March 2014

This morning we visited Mödlareuth, and today our exchange partners also went with us, we had to travel one hour by bus to get there, it was a little village which was divided in two parts, after the Second World War, between the two Deutschland, the Russian and communist and the American, which was more liberal and capitalist.
 Many people emigrate from the Russian part to the other, because they thought that they would live better there. Then the government of the Russian Deutschland did everything he could for stopping it, so they first started with the guard of some soldiers and a zone full of landmines, then they put a iron wire fence, across all the frontier. They improved their frontier every time someone escaped and reached the American part for avoiding that people repeated the escape the same way, they even build a wall with watchtowers where the soldiers guarded the frontier.
  When we finished the visit to Mödlareuth we went to visit a mine in which in the past they extracted iron mineral, inside the mine it was quite impressive to see some very big and deep cavities which were left after extracting all the iron mineral from a very big vein. They continued many meters over where we were walking and many meters below, but it was not vertically, it was diagonal, because it followed the stone layers of the mountain.
 At the evening we went to a restaurant to have dinner all together the students who participated on the exchange. Most of the food they served there was pork and I ate a dish which I liked with juicy pork meat, I think it was cooked a long time because it was not hard, it was soft and easy to eat. I also ate potato balls which were also good and some sauerkraut.

Adam Teixidó

Day 4 - Thursday 20th March 2014

Today we get up even earlier. The reason? We've to be punctual in order to participate in the Kangaroo tests in maths. Once we've done the test we forget about it and we take the bus to visit Wurzburg. This small city is just an hour away from Bamberg, and it is called a “universitaire” city because the majority of people who live there are students. It is true, it was hard to find somone older than 40 in the streets. Wützburg has got plenty of churches, and it was nice to climb up to the “Fort” hill, where you could experience this feeling that there’s no neighbourhood without, at least, three churches. The most notable thing about Wützburg was, besides all sightseeings, that we were able to have a heavy lunch there (consisting of two meat sandwhiches and an ice-cream) for only four euros.

After lunch time we went back to Bamberg, where the students were waiting for us. I have to say that this afternoon will surely be considered as one of the “tops” of the trip. We went having a barbacue, but wow, what a barbacue... We walked to a park which was just three minutes away from the center. The park consisted of a playground for the children (and childish grown-ups, hehe, as we are) with a slide, a little creek and a wooden structure to climb up on, which really persuaded you to do so. Then, a huge open space with huge grass fields, and after that, a basketball court and (awesome!) a beach volleyball court. 

On the top of all that, some germans carried with them massive bags just filled with food (fruit, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, etc.), and some others brought a barbacue. So, our afternoon activity concerned a three-hour laying on your back –sunbathing, in a way, bearing in mind that in German.

Mireia, Cristina and Mariona with Würtzburg at their back..
We played volleyball, rugby, basketball and so on. We ate bratwürst and other kind of meat. Later, when it was dark we played music and dance, we taught them how to dance Reggaeton. We also played basketball, I hardly could see the ball because it was very dark. At ten o'clock some girls went to Lea's house and watched a TV show about fashion.
Our German mates preparing a BBQ   
Pau and Mariona with great views of Würtzburg.

Lluc Solés, Pau Batlle and Mariona Colomer

Day 5 - Friday 21st March 2014

On Friday we had the change to go to Nürnberg, one of the most important cities economically in Germany. That time, though, we went there by train (up to that point we had only been using the bus), so we met early in the morning in the Bamberger Banhof (Bamberg's train station). In that aspect, I didn't find any difference between German and Spanish trains, except for the fact that you were allowed to take animals inside it. Throughout the return trip I had a woman with a dog on his lap that hardly moved.

Having seen already two German cities, Würtzburg and Bamberg, I had an idea of how German cities were, as I had found them rather similar. Therefore, I expected Nürnberg, the first city we had seen, as we had landed there, to be more or less the same. My thoughts happened to be true, as Nürnberg, despite having more than half a million people living there, was also full of gothic churches and streets full of houses with steep roofs. One of the main tourist attractions in Nürnberg was his castle, which is thought to be built about the year 1000. Although it was partially destroyed in the Second World War (again!), I found the building very well conservated. In fact, parts of it are still used as a Youth Hostel. Before going to the castle, though, we had gone, even though you might not believe it, to a mattress shop belonging to Ms Riess' parents. There, they had one of the deepest wells in the city of Nürnberg. Ms Riess' mother explained us the well's history in a very decent Spanish (she had also lived in Nicaragua!).
After that, we were able to go to visit Nürnberg's city center, and one of the first things we saw was the so called Schönen Brunnen, or beautiful fountain. Ms Riess told us that the fountain traditionally had a single ring attached to the fountain's fence, that if you touched it three times and thought a wish, then it would become true. However, recently a new ring was added just for the sake of tourism.
Another of the things I was talked about from Nürnberg was its famous bradwursts. I noticed that just to take a look in my surroundings I could see lots of food stalls. For lunch, I ate a delicious variety of those bradwursts. Apart from that, we spent the rest of the free time we had hanging around the streets and seeing the big amount of shops there were. Although I could notice, like most of the German cities we had visited, that the economic level of their citizens was relatively high, there was also a big range of povery. Therefore, I realized that there are some universal problems you can't solve even if you are in Germany.
After taking the train back to Bamberg, Jannick was waiting for me to go again to the local football pitch. This time, though, the event happened to be quite more massive than it was on Tuesday. All of the boys of our age who lived in Trunstadt were present there. As a consequence, the perception I had had on Tuesday of football being a friends-gathering activity was reinforced. As Jannick told me, almost every Friday they met to play football.
A bit exhasted because of the football match, we had dinner earlier (even more!) than usually, Jannick's cousin came to pick us up to the so-called bowlinghous, a place in Bamberg's where you can play bowling or billiards. I take advantage of this moment to comment one of the differences that stroke me a lot during the exchange. It is that of drink. Although it's true that drinking a lot of water is good for one's health, I find the amount of water they drink sometimes excessive. When we went to school, for instance, all of the pupils were bringing at least one bottle of water. Another feature of that water is that anecdote referring to water is that when I arrived the first day and they asked me what to drink, I naturally said: "water". However, when I tasted it I realized it was sparkling. I didn't say anything as I thought it might have been a mistake. However, when I saw that I was not the only one surprise by this fact, I realized that was actually the rule. Incredibly, finding unsparkling water in Germany is as difficult as understanding the language. I say that because during the pool match, Jannick and his cousin drank as much as two cokes.
Some other students went to Emma's house and made a party. For Pau Matarrodona, the main problem occurred when Oliver, Joan Masssachs’ partner, called his father to catch them up, at 1:00, they started to search Marcus Nein, hispartner. They didn't find him so they asked everybody if they had seen him. The answer was “Nein”, making fun of his surname. They called him, no answer. When Oli’s father arrived, Marcus answered a call, saying that he was in Emma’s house, where the party had took place. They found him, walking in a dark street, with a shopping cart, drunk.

Day 6 - Saturday 22nd March 2014

woke up late and we had a very big breakfast. All was delicious! I ate an omelette with ham and ketchup. At 3pm we went to the local public swimming pool called bambados with the others. Well, at least that’s what they told me, but when we got there we didn’t found a swimming pool, we actually found a real indoor aquatic park & spa with several warm water slides, an olympic pool with huge trampolines that allowed me to try a frontflip, a hot water swimming pool in the roof and many other unbelievable things like a very cold water pool!
After this amusing morning, I spent the rest of day at Max’s house, in the party that he organized at his house. Of course, I was glad to have everyone in my house and I also had a nice night full of interesting conversations. For example, I talked about lots of good music with Pau Batlle’s partner, Lukas Keesman and we also explained the others about Catalonia's independence.
Pol Valls

Núria Planes

Day 7 - Sunday 23rd March 2014

As yesterday, we woke up a little bit late, at about 11 o’clock, and after having breakfast, Christian had to do homework, so I helped him in maths, because what he had to study was something we had done two years ago. While he was doing his other homework I tried to play the acoustic guitar, but I had no success on it.
Then we had lunch and went to the bowling alley, were we played some rounds and had fun. Then Christian and I left because we wanted to watch the Madrid-Barcelona match, so we returned home and watched it on the Internet. It was amazing because Christian’s mother, who is from Getafe, is a Madrid supporter, and due to this Christian is also a Madrid supporter so we made when one of the two teams scored during the match. Finally, when the match ended they gave me two presents, an special cup for drinking beer and another one which has the coat of arms of Bamberg.
Miquel Alberca
In the morning I stayed at home with my partner Lea. That day I realized  that Lea likes a lot to play traditional games and to play with the Wii and the Playstation so we spent all the morning playing with them, it was pretty funny. In the afternoon, we went to play bowling with most of the students that took part in the exchange and in the evening, Anna, Emma, Mariona and Andrea came to Lea's house and we played some games that Lea and I had played in the morning and in the meantime, Emma and Andrea left. The others were playing until 23:50. At this time, they closed me in the bathroom of my room and more or less at 23:55, they opened the door and gave me a candle. They said that it was the present for my birthday, the 24th of March. Then, I went out of the bathroom and I saw a chocolate cake that Mariona and Anna cooked in the afternoon for me. It was delicious and before blowing the candles, Anna made an hilarious speech saying that she had been living with me for a long time and she was so happy to see me growing up all the years of my life. I didn't expect it, it was very surprising. They told me that they were planning to celebrate it all together but at the end it was impossible. I am so grateful for what all of them have done for me. (And Andrea was also really kind because she stayed asleep until midnight, although she was very tired, and then she called me to say happy birthday to me!!!)
Mireia Codina

Day 8 - Monday 24th March 2014

I woke up in the morning and I finished doing my baggage. We went to the school and we left the bags there. Then I bought some souvenirs and food. We made a photo together and a selfie. I said goodbye to everybody, it was very sad... On Monday, we took the bus to Nuremberg and then we took the plane to Barcelona. 
I have seen that German people are so quick at the farewell, and I think that it’s quite better, because we say goodbye for ten minutes, and they only say the minimum.
On the plane, the tripulation congratulated Mireia for her birthday. She was very surprised! When I arrived home I was really tired and exhausted but I was very happy because I had spent one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
Marc Martínez

Oli, the King of Selfies and us.

Sports in Bamberg

Bamberg is a very sportive city in general, but more specifically it is often described as a basketball city. That’s mainly because of the basketball team of the city, Brose Baskets Bamberg, which is one of the best teams in Germany. They have won the German title several times and also participated in the Euroleague, the best basketball competition in Europe. They play their matches at the Brose Arena, located at the outskirts of Bamberg. The arena is always full as the tickets are much cheaper than here. The atmosphere inside the Arena is amazing, and it’s even better in important matches. Fans are cheering for the team and singing during all the match. The experience some of the students had when attending to a match there is much different than the one they could have seeing a basketball match here. The city also has plenty of basketball courts, and it’s unusual to see them with no one playing.