divendres, 4 de desembre del 2015


La professora Sussi Roure, d’Anglès, ens ha fet arribar textos de l’alumnat de 2n de Batxillerat sobre els atemptats de París. Tot seguit us en reproduïm alguns.

We are all Paris, aren't we?
Last Friday's criminal attacks have had a huge impact on the occidental society. Everybody seems to be talking about it, even Facebook has promoted an application to cover your profile photo with the French flag, or Youtube has changed its logo into the three colors of France. These attacks have been claimed by radical Islamic organizations, such as ISIS. However, are we all really Paris, as it is being said?
Firstly, I have to recognize that these attacks are, by no means, justified. Having that said, I must admit that I'm Paris, but I'm also Lebanon, Syria and Afghanistan, for instance. In these places, criminal acts like the one in Paris are more than frequent, even a daily routine. So, everyone claims that all lives are equal, but in reality it doesn't seem so.
Furthermore, most occidental countries (mainly USA or France) are taking part (by selling weapons or bombing) in the Syrian war. It's so comfortable to attack without getting damaged, isn't it? When you are fighting with such a strong enemy such as ISIS, you could have foreseen that this could happen, dear France.
Moreover, let's not forget about where's ISIS getting their weapons from. Ironically, USA sold weapons to the revolted part of the Syrian war, which happened to be supported by the same Islamic organizations that were behind the Paris attack. So, the big prize is for the USA, for selling weapons to their worst enemy, and therefore contributing to the perpetuity of the war.
In conclusion, we should all be looking a little bit further away than what the media is telling us. Yes, we are all Paris, we all think that this shouldn't happen in the 21st century; however, there are lots of other issues that are maybe even worse, and we are approving them because of our silence.

Martí Oller Riera

French people are the victims, not France
I'm sure everyone knows what happened last Friday in Paris, so I think it's not necessary to explain the facts again. I just want to give my personal opinion about what happened and, more precisely, about people reactions to these facts.

First of all I want to express my sadness and my suport towards all the victims and their families. The point is that I think that people (when I say people I mean almost everybody) posting texts with hashtags such as "#JeSuisParis" or "#JeSuisFrance" are following the stream, the social stream, and that's not necessary.

Do these people know that France is one of the most important countries in the world in terms of producing and exporting fire weapons? From where do they think terrorists obtained the weapons to carry out their attack?

So my opinion is that France, like almost all the other countries from the first world, is kind of a fake country; that's why "#JeNeSuisPasFrance", although I feel sorry and pray for the victims of the attack.
Oriol Navarro